We understand how children learn and we know what it takes to grow as artists. At The Little Makery, we teach your child to

get SET:




See like an artist

Observe the world around them

Discuss and appreciate the work of artists and designers

Notice creative possibilities in the materials that surround them

Explore like an artist

Take risks by experimenting with materials and trying out ideas

Draw inspiration from a wide range of artists and designers

Ask questions about what they see and experience

Think like an artist

Be curious and playful with materials

Develop resilience by solving problems

Learn from the unexpected

Reflect on their making

Our Philosophy

Our approach to teaching recognises that every child is unique; we nurture creative expression by teaching techniques and skills in a range of media and by giving children choices, time, space and lots of encouragement. Students at The Little Makery also benefit from small class sizes with a high teacher to child ratio.

Art with Heart

Pupil Premium

The Little Makery supports young artists who receive Pupil Premium funding. We offer a limited number of FREE places to children entitled to Pupil Premium funding. Find out more about how to support or access the initiative here.

EHCP with 1:1 support

At each of our clubs, we offer a discounted place for children who have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) and a 1:1 Teaching Assistant at school. Find out more about eligibility and how to access these places here.